Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Starting a blog

I've decided that I need to write. Like drinking water or getting sleep, it's something I have to do. I am better when I put words down, and while I prefer the act of longhand on paper, I'm going to try this medium in order to hopefully do it more frequently, more consistently, and more creatively than I have been able to do until now. My spiral notebooks have become coloring books for Mackenzie and scratch paper for David. The computer is safe, for now, and the idea that the blog is out there, even if no one knows about it (at least not yet), will compel me to write and add notes. What I plan to write about is completely up in the air. My husband, my kids, my life, what I hear and see and read, what I do or don't do, it's all food for the writer in me that I hope to channel into something productive via this medium.