Monday, September 20, 2004


So school is in full swing. Fourth grade is going well for David, he made choir again this year (love those early mornings) and is settled in. Mackenzie loves her school, too, but wants to go to David's school (two years to go). As for me, my PTA meetings and duties are OK, nothing outrageously difficult, and I was asked to teach Spanish to both fourth grades, so I do that on Friday afternoons, my schedule is OK.

When I first moved here, I knew no one but my husband, didn't work, and if David was in California (the whole back and forth custody thing we lived with the first six months of our marriage), I pretty much had the whole day to myself. And for the life of me, couldn't get dinner on the table at five, it would take three days to do laundry for two, yikes it was awful. Now, three days a week, I'm pretty much not here, but the sewing is getting done, I made a batch of fresh salsa today using everyting from my garden I grew myself, dinner's on time, coffee is ready in the morning, appointments are made and kept, the busier I get, the easier it is to do more things. Why is that and how can it be?