Monday, August 21, 2006

White Spots

David came home last night after being at his dad's since last Tuesday. It's that whole divorced-parents-sharing-vacation-time thing.

Last week, while on vacation with his dad, they had friends in town and did the whole touristy thing, floating the Boise River, rafting the Payette, they were out in Twin Falls for a day. Apparently, he woke up on Saturday with a sore throat. David and his dad stayed home and the friends took off to do something. He had a fever and chills, his dad gave him Tylenol, etc. He slept too, and complained that the sore throat was getting worse. He came home Sunday night, 5:15 p.m., looking yellowish green to me. I took a flashlight to his throat and found white spots in the back of his throat, I had never seen anything like that before. Asked Keith to confirm what I was seeing and by 5:25 p.m., I was running him to St. Luke's (Dad apparently doesn't have a flashlight), where they checked for all sorts of things, West Nile, Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease, Scarlet Fever, and he didn't have all of the things he needed to have one of the big viruses. They ran a rapid strep and it came back negative. So after the standard, "It's a virus, can't do anything but ease the pain" speech, we came home.

David has never been so sick in my life. He's sleeping fourteen hours, then wakes up and won't eat or drink a thing, no matter how hard I try, and two hours later he's asleep again.

What are those damn white spots and what are they doing to my kid?

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